Mitigate your risk exposure with comprehensive cell tower insurance coverage
We live in a world where mobile devices have become as ubiquitous as television sets, perhaps even more so. Modern society heavily relies on cellular communication technology to work, play, travel, communicate, read the news, play games, and so much more. The fact is cell towers have a big job to do. The amount of bandwidth they provide – indeed, the amount of communication that tirelessly crosses their towers – is truly staggering. Without them, modern cellular technology would be non-existent. For this reason alone, cell tower insurance is incredibly important.
It is also quite likely that you operate in multiple states. Are you sure of the licensing requirements necessary for the states you are operating in? We are. We provide comprehensive cell tower insurance designed to protect your most valuable assets. Even better, we provide services that go beyond simply providing cell tower insurance. Read on to learn more.
Cell tower insurance and so much more
While making sure your cell tower insurance package comprehensively covers your assets, you also want to go with a product that provides loss control and materials assistance as well. Whether it be a safety manual or return to work policy, we have been in the cell tower insurance game for a long time and can expertly guide you through policies that go above and beyond what you think you need.
If there is one thing about cell tower insurance that vexes many a business professional, it is the precise wording and complex certification requirements. The cell tower industry is heavily regulated, with specific rules governing both the towers themselves and the policies that protect them.
Do you want to spend days or weeks going round and round trying to get a certificate approved so that you can bid for jobs? We didn’t think so. Having handled just about every certification process request under the sun, there is little we haven’t seen. Cell tower insurance, like other types of commercial insurance, is priced based on rates set by the state. Yet many don’t know whether these rates are set in stone or not. Fortunately, we do.
Working with experts in the field
Our decades of experience working with countless companies just like yours sets us apart from our competition. When it comes to underwriters deciding exposure, making adjustments, or validating coverage, our people are some of the best in the business. The team members underwriting your policy are committed to providing you with only the best, not only in coverage but in customer service as well.
As a company, our goal is to provide you with comprehensive coverage, top-notch support, and a proactive approach to your cell tower insurance needs. Attention to detail and commitment to compliance are core principles of our business. When we are determining a policy that best fits your company, we take a close look at specific policies surrounding:
- Loss control;
- Tailgate meetings;
- Safety meetings;
- Policy checklists;
- Return to work policies;
- Compensation charts;
- Risk analysis;
- … and more!
We take a holistic look at your entire operation in an attempt to provide you with the best coverage for your business at rates that won’t break your business budget, regardless of your company’s size.
Cell towers are important, expensive pieces of equipment, and if you aren’t adequately covering them in accordance with state and federal guidelines, you may find yourself exposed to far more risk than you’re comfortable with. To avoid finding yourself in just this situation, make sure you partner with someone who can provide you with an all-encompassing look at your operation and provide you with actionable solutions.
Here at USA Telecom Insurance Services, our many years in business has prepared us for just about any request that comes on our way. For cell tower insurance in Gainesville Florida that won’t leave you exposed to an unacceptable level of risk, call (800) 645-8699.