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 How telecommunications have evolved over the years

How telecommunications have evolved over the years

25214061_MRemember the days when rotary phones were a thing? We sure have come a long way since then, haven’t we? The world of telecommunications has evolved from slow dial to dial up to no need to dial at all. As the internet of things, blogosphere, and world wide web as a whole continue to integrate fully into our lives, we have one thing to thank: telecommunications.

Yet, the history of the phone and associated devices goes way, way back. In fact, it goes as far back as the early nineteenth century. Did you know that the first telephone service was established in 1878? The telegram came into existence long before the telephone. The twentieth century saw the advent of radio and television. By the 1970s, the precursor to the internet of today was developed. All of this can be traced back to an advance in telecommunications.

A historical timeline of telecommunications development

The first handheld cell phone was developed in 1973 by a company a few of you may have heard of: Motorola. In 1989, the World Wide Web and HTTP protocol were invented, resulting in yet another quantum leap in the world of telecommunications, though the internet would not become public until 1994.

By the late-1990s, the internet and cell phone technology so ubiquitous today was beginning to take over. In fact, the past two decades have seen the most far-reaching advancements in telecommunications since the invention of the telegram. And it doesn’t appear the pace of this change is slowing down anytime soon.

In 1996, Hotmail launched the first web-based email accounts. Who remembers America Online and their ever-present “You’ve got mail,” moniker? These were the glory days of the internet, a true digital Wild West where anything was possible. The late-1990s also saw the launch of a few companies you may have heard of: Amazon, eBay, and Google.

Staying connected no matter where you are

The next telecommunications revolution happened with the advent of ‘Web 2.0.’ Whereas the internet had been a place for big companies or techno-geeks, now it was being used as a platform for anyone to express their creativity or connect with friends and family from around the globe. It all started with MySpace, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.

By 2006, Facebook had branched out from universities and set itself up as the behemoth it is today. If you had a valid email address, then you could be just as relevant on the internet as some of the biggest companies of the day. Communications, friendships, and relationships would forever be transformed.

That computer in your pocket

Quite possibly the biggest jump occurred when mobile cell phones – and eventually smartphones – gained popularity. Gone were the days when computers could only be found in the form of big, clunky boxes with just a little computing power. By 2007 the first iPhone hit the scene, resulting in a race to the top on who could create the next most powerful, handheld device.

The telecommunications network itself would never be the same. To accommodate the need for even more processing and communication power, networks would evolve from 2G to 3G to what is now considered 4G. In some countries around the world, 5G is already under development. Information can be gathered at rates that once were considered unthinkable.

How do we know all this? Because at USA Telecom Insurance Services, we specialize in knowing everything there is to know about these technologies. As the premier insurance provider for all things cell tower-related, we excel in knowing the history of the business we work in. For telecommunications in Gainesville Florida, we are your experts. Contact us today to learn how we can help insure your most valuable equipment and provide you with true peace-of-mind.